Sustaining OurSelves (SOS)
Wednesday, 7/15 at 6pm

Enacting healing practices and opening up space for joy in troubling times.

There are no words that adequately convey the moment we find ourselves. There is COVID-19 on top of racial trauma on top of financial insecurity on top of deep uncertainty about the future, on top of, on top of...the list seems endless.

We may not have the power to change the factors that make this time so scary, but we can enact healing practices and maybe even open space for joy.

In this workshop, psychologist and professor Roxanne Donovan explores several of these practices, what they are and why they work, in hopes of making this time a bit less overwhelming.

Presented as part of Shift. Shimmy. Pivot. - an initiative of Hanan Arts, in partnership with Havana Habibi Festival.