Film still, Jayme Gershen

November 2020

Dear Hanan Arts Community

We are fearless and focused. Please read on for information and announcements of our upcoming festival, programs and partners. We have a very special announcement coming next week!

Expect nothing less from us than love as we uphold our core values and move through obstacles to create new projects that uplift beauty and connection.

See you at the Havana Habibi 2020 Online Festival!

Tiffany Hanan Madera
Artistic Director & Founder
Hanan Arts

Illustration Danilo Garcia

Havana Habibi Festival will be online and global! We will announce more info about this exciting festival and all of our collaborators and partners next week alongside our presenting partner Live Arts Miami. Save the dates and stay tuned!

Where Are They Now?

Meet some of the women of the Havana Habibi Documentary that you can see at the upcoming online festival.

Karen Lopez Nussa

Reclaiming power and confidence through dance.
As someone who grew up shy, Karen would eventually reclaim her confidence and power through belly dancing.

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Aissa Medina

Dancer at birth
Aissa, as she recounts, was born into dance. She has lived dance, in its many forms, throughout her entire life.

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Ileana Bosch

The birth of womanhood
Ileana soon noticed the attracting power that belly dance has on people, who would often be drawn to her once her dance practices were revealed.

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Artist Spotlight: FatLip

FatLip is a funny name for a serious production company. Hanan Arts had the incredible opportunity to work with this talented and skillful team of women on our upcoming documentary - and the amazing good fortune to have them as members of our Executive Board.

You’ll have to wait to learn more about the soon-to-be-released film, but we can’t wait to tell you all about the amazing team of film makers behind the production!


About Us

Hypothetically, we make things

Usually trouble…

We are thinkers and doers who get pleasure from wrestling with the maddening, beautiful, and absurd issues of the day. Working with visual arts, performance, sound, movement, writing, and technology we dig, extrapolate, engage, explore. Sometimes we just weave it into casual conversation. We laugh and we laugh and we create dialogue and community.

Gina Margillo

Specializing in Entertainment-Education, Gina Margillo produces and directs television, radio and web series, documentary films, and concerts for organizations such as the United Nations and Planned Parenthood Global  for environmental justice, public health, and sexual and reproductive rights advocacy campaigns.  Using the mediums of performance, conceptual art, video, and collage to tell stories, deconstruct issues, and build connection, her work is based on the belief that art can be a powerful tool for social change. 

Vivian Marthell

Creative • Collaborator • Protogeek • VR Evangelist • Lizard Whisperer • Chile Lover • Medicine Maker • Flow Hacker • Wanderluster • Banned Book Reader • Transgressor *evil laughter*

Give Miami Day is November 19th.

Every year, Miami’s non-profit organizations ask the community to make donations for support. It’s a great way to celebrate everything Miami-Dade County does to create a vibrant arts and philanthropic community, but this year, we’re calling it Shimmy. Shift. Pivot. Day.

"To heal women and empower communities through dance and film."