June 2020

Dear Hanan Arts Tribe,

It’s hard to find the right words these days.

The weeks blur into one another with a blend of melancholy, uncertainty, concern, excitement  and curiosity. Finding beauty and tenderness in the world around us is still easy, but sometimes feels harder to reach.

Witnessing the world move in solidarity to protest racial terror and lifting the veil of structural racism and inequity has inspired hope and possibility for a new world and paradigm for human dignity.

As a mixed-race, Miami-born, Cuban woman, I’ve been disrupting, troubling and complicating race my entire life. I’ve had harsh and gentle lessons.

Those experiences have helped shape a project like Havana Habibi that troubles identity and disturbs the binaries with which people like to discuss U.S. and Cuba relations. I learned a long time ago about the nuance and rhythm of dancing the in-between, even if it is a lonely place.

I also learned that in time, when you find your tribe, healing and joy are effortless. That’s what Hanan Arts strives to be for you. 

We had planned for a year of programs and live events that promised exciting collaborations, outcomes, and shared embodied experiences. 2020 has its own ideas. In the meantime, together we will


In solidarity, 

tiffany madera
Artistic Director & Founder
Hanan Arts

Storytelling, Film, & Meditation: healing through creativity and community. Hanan Arts presents a new online workshop with joshua bee alafia on Friday, June 12.

Join Havana Habibi film Director Joshua Bee Alafia for an interactive online workshop on the transformative power of the creative process. Drawing from his extensive background in filmmaking and leading meditation groups and retreats, joshua bee alafia will facilitate a program aimed to focus creative ideas into action that is healing at the personal and community level. This prolific artist will share best practices in film and meditation as well as share his creative trajectory and philosophy.

Presented as part of Shift. Shimmy. Pivot. - an initiative of Hanan Arts. Space is limited - register online today.


One of the incredible gifts that come from growing the Hanan Arts Community is that we get to meet and work with some of the most inspiring and uplifting people alive on the planet.

The loving embrace of “hanan” is part of our core identity, and the organization continues to connect and attract artists who want to share that tenderness.

The Artist Spotlight feature is one way we celebrate all of the artists that have come into contact with Hanan Arts.

Artist Spotlight: Kristie Stephenson

Jamaican Kristie Stephenson is a maker on a mission to sprinkle magic and wonder throughout her homeland and the world. 

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Artist Spotlight: Tachea

Tachea participated in the 2018 Havana Habibi Festival, where we got to know and love her as part of our belly dance community.

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Artist Spotlight: Ana Chavez

Ana María Chavez is an artist, curator and professor currently living in Salvador, Brazil - and another integral part of the Havana Habibi / Hanan Arts tribe.

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Artist Spotlight: Stephanie Elizondo Griest

Stephanie met hanan last March, when she traveled to Miami to conduct research for her latest book project that features women artists from around the globe.

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Hope to see you during our digital programs; until next time, here's a virtual hug for you!