August 2020

Dear Hanan Arts Community,

Summer is coming to a close and 2020 remains a relentless and searing teacher. Life continues to ask much of us internally, pushing us into a more intimate relationship with our core values, dreams and resilience. Everyday we are offered more opportunities for connection and healing, even when presented in unexpected ways!

I’ve enjoyed taking long and expansive bike rides around Miami Beach filling my eyes and spirit with the beauty of our beaches, palm trees and architecture. You can catch me around town whizzing by, playing reggae and ringing my bell. Amongst the losses of pandemic life, this has been a great gift.

The Shimmy Shift Pivot series has kicked off and creates meaningful moments of dialogue, learning, and connection with our community around the world. We’re examining the moment, our dance, and ourselves. Hanan Arts’ core values of Radical Inclusion, Empathy, and Collaboration are highlighted in this work as we gather to ask questions and share our stories in safe and authentic ways. I hope you can join us in upcoming programs. 

These days of reflection deepen our mission and vision. I feel the most uplifted when in service to this work. Whether in sorrow, concern or joy, we wish you the most loving journey towards radical inclusion, empathy and collaboration. And most of all, don't forget to shimmy, shift and pivot as needed!

In solidarity,

Tiffany Hanan Madera
Artistic Director & Founder
Hanan Arts

Hand of Hanan: Morocco

Made possible by a grant from Eyes on Your Mission
with the support of Two Parrot Productions.

Colonialism, Bellydance and the Caribbean

Dr. Danielle Pilar Clealand, Valerick Molinary, & Imane Sioudan
Join us as we voyage through Puerto Rico, Cuba and Guadeloupe to discuss the connections between colonial legacies, race and how
Bellydance/Raqs Sharqui manifests in the Caribbean.
Wednesday, September 2nd 2:00pm

North African Resistance and Performance:
Maghreb dance as empowered storytelling.

Amel Tafsout & Esraa Warda
Discussion on the power of Maghreb dances as transmitters of healing, power, identity and tradition.
Wednesday, September 9th 2:00pm

Intern Spotlight: Juliana Bastos de Mello

Shining a light on this Summer’s Intern living in Brasil!

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"To heal women and empower communities through dance and film."